What is Lean Construction & Why You Should Care

by our Guest Blogger: Jessica Kane

The reigning paradigm of construction says that there are inherent trade-offs between time, cost and quality for any project. The old saying goes: “You can have it quick, cheap or good. Pick any two.” In other words, unless a construction manager is a wizard, a change to one factor will impact another.

Lean construction turns that thinking on its head and is being embraced by savvy owners, architects, engineers, constructors and designers as a way to keep projects on time, on budget and of the highest quality. No sacrifices necessary.

Genesis of Lean Construction

The International Group for Lean Construction is credited with coining the term “Lean Construction” in 1993 as a way to improve project delivery. At that time, academic research and industry experts pointed to woeful results in project delivery. Construction crews were not delivering projects on time, on budget or of the expected quality. Productivity was on a steady decline in the construction industry. Monetizing those shortcomings made it clear that it was time to revisit the tools of construction management.

The Lean Construction aggressively counters the decline in productivity. The methodology seeks to minimize cost and maximize value by focusing on customer needs. It also creates a construction site that feels less chaotic and more collaborative.

Silos on Site

Traditional construction management systems created inherent disconnects between phases of a project. Pre-construction would involve the architect, then engineers, then contract managers and general contractors long before the trade workers were brought into the project. The system creates challenges for delivering projects:


  1. Project workflows are not predictable as some workers are not committed until very late in the project.
  2. Improvement and collaboration are limited as the hand-offs can be very rigid.
  3. Focus on providing customer value is stunted by a siloed workforce that may never or rarely interact.


Drawing on Lean principles made popular by Toyota, Lean Construction employs the rigor of continuous improvement throughout construction projects from end to end. Primary principles that lead to better results include:


  • Collaborative planning and problem solving. All of the actors on a project are empowered to surface problems, fix processes and continue to look for methods to improve.
  • Customer-focused delivery. The system is designed to not only meet but exceed customer requirements and eliminate steps that do not add value for the customer.
  • Flow optimization. Actors in the system review processes to remove obstacles that prevent them from flowing continuously and efficiently.
  • Pull production. Instead of producing products or services to forecasted customer needs, triggers are created so that production takes place in response to demand.


Waste-busting in Construction


The primary concept of Lean is to eliminate waste in processes. Waste adds time, cost and frustration for employees without adding value for the customer. There are eight commonly recognized wastes. A few examples of how they translate to Lean Construction are:


  • Defects. Redoing or throwing out work.
  • Overproduction: Making more of something than is needed or making it too early, such as building cabinets before the kitchen is framed.

Waiting: Waiting on man, machine or materials for the next task, such as waiting for updates to design documents.

  • Non-utilized talent: Not tapping into people’s skills and talents.
  • Transportation: Moving people, materials and information around, especially if you are moving items more than once.
  • Inventory: Keeping too much of something that is not needed on hand, such as wood or other materials.
  • Motion: Movement of people around that does not add value, such as if deliveries are made to the wrong area of a job site.
  • Extra processing: Additional effort that’s not needed from the customer’s viewpoint such as a process that requires three signatures for one delivery acceptance.


The New Way to Deliver in Construction


In construction, eliminating waste requires a deviation from or addition to standard project delivery methods such as the Critical Path Method (CPM) that may focus too narrowly on steps and unintentionally frustrate any opportunities for collaborative improvement. Lean Construction takes the best thinking of everyone involved in the project, from the first architect to the last tradesman, and puts it to work delivering a faster, less costly, higher quality project.


Jessica Kane is a professional blogger who writes for Federal Steel Supply, Inc., a leading supplier of carbon, alloy and stainless steel pipe, tubes, fittings and flanges.

902 thoughts on “What is Lean Construction & Why You Should Care

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  12. – Play friends and other players: Play online with your Facebook friends or challenge other players from anywhere in the world! Copyright © 1999-2017 by BoardGameCentral.com – All Rights Reserved. | Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions Global traffic rank Dominoes is a beloved family game, popular because the same simple game pieces can be used to play innumerable games (much like playing cards and dice), yet provide great opportunities for skillful and subtle play. Unlike most dominoes games, which just use a set of dominoes, Mexican Train has a couple additional pieces of equipment. The centerpiece hub has a slot in the center for the starting the Mexican train and 8 slots around the edges for personal trains. These hubs may be found in certain sets of dominos or can be homemade using cardboard. The game also uses train markers, like the hub these may be included in a set of dominos or can be a small household item, players most commonly use pennies or dimes. More creative options include candy, flat-bottomed marbles, or pawns for other games such as chess or monopoly. https://suzhiyan.cn/ Although you can play this game solo, multiplayer mode is where this game truly shines. Sackboy: A Big Adventure supports up to four players, making it a great choice for parties. Players can either work together to finish levels more efficiently, or they can compete to win by collecting the most score bubbles, which are Sackboy’s version of the points system. There are also levels that are only available when you play the game with two or more people, so if you want the full experience, we recommend playing Sackboy with friends. Dead by Daylight is an asymmetric survival horror multiplayer game. “Asymmetric” means the two teams have a different amount of players and mechanics. See, these are 1v4 matches: one killer versus four survivors.

  13. Большой выбор карандашей для глаз Легко и качественно нарисовать ровные и красивые стрелки удается не сразу, зависит все не только от опыта, но и от того, насколько подходящим для вас окажется выбранный тип подводки для глаз. Новичкам рекомендуют начинать создание контурных линий при помощи гелевых основ или фломастеров, которыми легче и сподручней управлять. Лайнер для глаз – это фломастер, который был создан для наведения стрелок над глазами. С ним может управляться любая женщина, даже та, которая не умеет рисовать или впервые взяла в руки косметичку. Благодаря лайнеру, легко наносится стрелка любой толщины. Жирность инструмента можно регулировать, нажимая на фломастер. Для создания дымчатого макияжа глаз проведите черным кайалом широкую стрелку на верхнем веке. После этого аккуратно и быстро растушуйте ее с помощью кисточки с натуральным ворсом, пока лайнер не высох. Нанесите тени, прокрасьте ресницы тушью, и мейкап готов!
    Открывая тушь, получаешь несколько сюрпризов. Во-первых, очень удобная изогнутая щеточка. Во-вторых, ароматная отдушка и, в-третьих, глубокий фиолетовый оттенок. Правда, на ресницах он выглядит почти черным и не «зажигает» цвет глаз, как бы того хотелось. Зато смывается очень просто: достаточно теплой воды. В один слой эффект довольно естественный, а в два — уже драма. Новинку Maybelline New York мы ждали давно, и вот она наконец-то доехала до России. Эта тушь смывается теплой водой без проблем и без следов, о дополнительных средствах снятия макияжа с глаз можно забыть (к тому же косметологи не советуют лишний раз трогать зону под глазами). Загнутая щеточка Snapscara позволяет подкрутить ресницы, а формула средства удлиняет их и придает небольшой объем. «Больше никаких глаз грустной панды!» – кричит упаковка новой туши немецкого бренда. Средство обещает не отпечатываться на веках даже в жару и не осыпаться даже во время интенсивной тренировки. Все благодаря термостойкой формуле, которая устойчива к влаге, но легко удаляется теплой водой. В приближающийся период майских дождей и жаркого летнего солнца – идеальный вариант.

  14. 401 Main St, Black Hawk, CO 80422, USA “The festival will enable us to showcase the island to hundreds of poker tourists.” Every October, the poker room plays host to the Isle Open, which promises in excess of $1.5 million in guaranteed prize money across more than 15 days of poker action. And that is definitely not all! There are regular $50,000 and $10,000 guaranteed re-entry tournaments throughout the year wherein players have been known to fire off several bullets in search of a big payday. No matter how big your bankroll, Pompano Park has a game for you. So long as you are 18 or older, you are welcome! The Hendon Mob Championship – THMC By contrast, Parx does appear to be considering reopening its poker room, the largest in the state. Parx recently sent out an announcement of plans to reopen the room “before the end of December.” But COVID-19 numbers could deter those plans.
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    GRAMGRUBO – Porady – Ruletka – zasady – mata do obstawiania liczb Gracz, który dołączył do rozgrywki przy stole z ruletką, oddaje swoje żetony o określonej wartości i w zamian za nie otrzymuje inne – kolorowe, których wartość ustawia według własnej woli. Krupier zapisuje ustaloną kwotę i stosuje się do niej do końca gry. Jedną z najpopularniejszych gier, jaką możemy spotkać w kasynie jest Ruletka. Jakie zasady obowiązują w trakcie tej gry? Kiedy wygramy? Dlaczego istnieją zakłady zewnętrzne i wewnętrzne? Na te wszystkie pytania znajdziecie odpowiedzi w tym tekście. – mata do obstawiania liczb Najbardziej znane odmiany ruletki to europejska i amerykańska. Europejska ruletka ma 37 przedziałów na kulkę i jedno zero, podczas gdy amerykańska ma 38 przedziałów z dwioma zerami. Oprócz tych dwóch dostępnych jest również Double Ball Roulette, Mini Roulette, French Roulette, Multi-Wheel i Live Roulette.

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    De la aparitia sa in America, la inceputul secolului al XIX-lea si pana astazi, poker-ul a devenit un joc extrem de popular in intreaga lume. In timp, el a evoluat in mai multe forme: cash game, turneu, heads-up sau SNG. La ora actuala jocul de cash game este unul din cele mai apreciate. Si contrar parerii celor neinitiati, acest joc nu se bazeaza exclusiv pe noroc, ci dimpotriva, necesita intelegere si cunoastere. In plus, jucat cum trebuie, el poate aduce satisfactii nemaipomenite. De aceea, ne-am gandit sa va prezentam in acest articol 4 motive pentru care jocul de poker in varianta cash game este o decizie +EV: Jocurile de noroc pot deveni o problemă cu consecințe serioase dacă nu sunt practicate responsabil Daniel „Kid Poker” Negreanu este un canadian nascut din parinti romani, Ana si Constantin, care au emigrat din motive economice din Romania In anul 1967. S-a nascut la Toronto si a ajuns la Vegas, pentru prima data, la 16 ani. Numit de Global Poker Index drept jucatorul deceniului 2004-2013 si castigator al WSOP Player of the Year In primii si ultimii ani ai acelui deceniu, Kid Poker a fost introdus in Poker Hall of Fame In 2014.

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    Trying to narrow down what apps aren’t even worth it since there are so many. This group has 1.4 million subscribers and was created in 2010. While not all threads in this community are directed at dating or romantic relationships, it is a subgroup of dating and there are still a lot of questions people ask about their romantic lives. It is described as: “A subreddit dedicated to asking women questions about their thoughts, lives, and experiences; providing a place where all women can comfortably and candidly share their responses in a non-judgmental space. As part of our commitment to that mission, the AskWomen subreddit is curated to promote respectful and on-topic discussions, and not serve as a debate subreddit.” I leave this evidence of rinsing and (some) praise for you to evaluate, but honestly, I recommend this process to everyone on Hinge. The people are, as the creator of the subreddit promised, unbiased, honest and forthcoming. The irony is that this exact Hinge profile is what landed me a boyfriend and I haven’t updated it since, so yes I actually am a catfish. Also, I told him about this article, to which he said “Yeah I hated the jacket photo too.”

  22. Warzone is the newest Call of Duty game from Activision, and it’s a new take on the battle royale genre. This free-to-play first-person shooter game features battlegrounds with up to 150 players and squads of different sizes. You can join forces with your friends and fight your way to the top of the leaderboards as a squad. In times like this, we need to find new and inventive ways to keep ourselves entertained as well as feel connected to those we can’t physically be with right now. Online games are the perfect way to do this – not only are they a great way to pass an evening, you get to interact with your nearest and dearest and have fun at the same time. This top-rated card game on Amazon is perfect for a big group of friends. One player reads a setup card aloud—think: “When my brother brought out his new baby to show the family, Granny blurted out…”—then the other players choose the most outlandish card in their hands to finish the phrase.
    The film looks to be a celebration of everything Mario, and you can see what other surprises fans have in store by checking out our breakdown of all the secrets and Easter Eggs in The Super Mario Bros. Movie’s second trailer. Follow the life of Starwell the Starfish! He is a fictional character in the Mario Games franchise, owned by the Nintendo Company. The first game was created by the developer Shigeru Miyamoto in 1981. The ones that created The Mario Games are now the best-selling franchise of all time. The protagonist of these series has appeared in over 200 video games ever since. But what is his purpose, exactly? Hate ads on your game page? So do we! Ads are distracting, can get in the way of your gaming, and sometimes slow down your computer.

  23. This is a great online game for kids of all ages as it is simple enough for young kids to figure out, while still being fun and challenging for older players. My 12 and 4-year-olds love playing it together! Basically, you are a tank in a two-dimensional arena and shoot other tanks to earn points and upgrades. It’s a great multiplayer online game to play with friends, too, because you can play on a web browser and don’t need any particular game console or device. You can create a private arena for just your group, or generate a code to play in the same arena along with other players. Just start talking to people. If you find someone who is fun to talk to/play with add them to friends and start inviting them to games. This is how I found my ‘group’. We grew from just two of us, to one of my IRL friends starting to play with us, to one or two more, and we’re currently about 7 people who frequently play games with each other, mostly League of Legends.
    Looking for a completely customized and unique virtual gaming experience you can’t get anywhere else? Check out Moniker’s very own Virtual Team Building activity selection. Working together with our industry partners, we have produced a series of custom-built games that can be played entirely on Zoom. From a virtual murder mystery that will have players scratching their heads trying to figure out whodunit, to a quirky spin-off of ABC’s hit television show, Shark Tank, we’ve got a wide variety of exciting virtual team building exercises to keep your company culture strong – even from afar. Check out more Zoom team building ideas. Card Against Humanity is a great board game that transitions well to the virtual realm. In this game, players fill in the blanks with the cards to form the funniest scenarios and statements.

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