Tag Archives: Real Estate Investing

Success in Real Estate Investing: Six Essential Principles for a Strong Financial Foundation Before Investing

Introduction: Real estate investing holds the promise of wealth, passive income, and tax benefits. It has provided me the funding to travel the world, give my children incredible lives, and support causes important to me. But real estate investing is not without its risks. Before diving into this lucrative venture, it’s crucial to lay down […]

Easy Ways to Increase Rents and Add Value to your Real Estate Investment

Real estate investing is a very profitable game.  But, for most strategies, it is a long game.  Therefore, small incremental increases can add up to big returns.  Here are 13 easy ways to increase your return on investment. First Impressions Enhance curb appeal with simple aesthetic improvements to make a positive initial impression. Most people make up their mind […]

A Charitable Giving Exit Strategy for Real Estate Investors

charitable giving real estate

Putting real estate and other assets out as “gifts” might be intimidating and challenging for both taxpayers and charitable institutions. There is an associated technical complexity surrounding assets as “gifts.” However, for real estate investors, it is essential to recognize the potential of charitable options as a viable exit strategy. By reducing the real estate […]