Central Ohio Real Estate Update: September 2020

Housing Market Update

Even with the inventory spike in August, September continues to break home sale records!

The number of homes closed during the first three quarters of 2020 is now just 1.3% behind 2019 according to the Columbus REALTORS® Multiple Listing Service.

In August, almost 3,400 homes sold, which is 5% more than this time last year. Also, homes sold in record time. Homes under $350,000 sold in an average of 17 days.

“Real estate has been, and remains, the foundation of wealth building for the middle class and a critical link in the flow of goods, services, and income for millions of Americans,” added Mills. “Accounting for nearly 15 percent of the Ohio gross state product, real estate is clearly a major driver of the U.S. economy.”

Homes continue to appreciate in value in Central Ohio. The average sale price exceeded the last list price for the second consecutive month. The average sales price in August was $279,134, a 12.8% increase from last year.

Even though most of the Ohio stay at home order restrictions have been lifted, real estate agents, lenders, inspectors, and title companies are still taking every precaution to maintain safe and sanitary conditions for listing, showing, and closing homes in Central Ohio.So, if you are thinking of listing your home, or want to take advantage of low interest rates and buy or build your dream home, we will help you through these transitions and transactions in the safest ways possible.

For a detailed report on your neighborhood, contact The Alfriend Group today at (614) 395-1776 or email us at info@alfriendgroup.com.

Featured Listing:

5075 Winchell Ct. Dublin, Ohio 43017

Coming Soon Listing:

3896 Sandstone Circle Powell, Ohio 43065

2,083 thoughts on “Central Ohio Real Estate Update: September 2020

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  43. Ron Segev is the founding partner of Segev LLP. A practical-minded business lawyer with expertise in the cannabis industry, he represents cultivators, dispensaries, CBD extractors, oil extractors, food processors, media and marketing companies, consultancies, and other businesses in the legal cannabis market. Weed delivery services are a discreet way to help with treating disorders, relaxing, or just enjoying the enjoyable effects of marijuana. If you love smoking weed, you can get the best marijuana flowers at discounted prices when going to the online stores in some of your local online dispensaries. And if you prefer marijuana edibles, CBD oils or products that only provide you with the benefits of the green plant without the high there are also plenty of options. “We’re just excited to get our doors open and basically start the business. It’s been a restart process since licensing happened, we had to shut down for six months, and now today is the big day we get to open the doors back up for full hours of operation, ” said Brandon Arsens, Cloud Nine owner. https://job.wppro.support/forum/profile/angelesperdriau/ greencamp.com cannabis-growers-in-ontario-can-now-apply-for-agricultural-grants amp ?__twitter_impression=true Marijuana offences under the Cannabis Act range in severity and the penalties are based on the seriousness of the offence. Some offences may result only in a warning or fine, while more serious offences can result in criminal prosecution and substantial jail time. Less serious offences are prosecuted as a summary conviction offence (such as possession of illegal pot), and more serious offences are treated as an indictable offence. Regulations for private retail sales are currently being drafted by Ontario’s Ministry of the Attorney General; these regulations are anticipated to be in place for April 1, 2019. Retail stores will be authorized and licensed by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO).

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