Real Estate Update: February 2016

Central Ohio Housing Market Update

The year 2016 is off to a great start already with average sale prices up 6% and number of homes sold up 9% over last year. This is a similar trend to what we experienced in 2015, however inventory is beginning to be less of a concern for buyers. During much of last year, buyers were having a very hard time finding their dream home, but statistics show that 2016 may be different. Last month, over 2,000 new homes were added to the market in Central Ohio – a whopping 47% increase over the previous month! This is good news for potential buyers, but they need to to be ready to move quickly. Days on market are at record lows with houses selling in an average of just 60 days (17% faster than last year). In many popular areas such as German Village and Worthington, the average days on market is less than 2 weeks. Columbus Realtors President, John Royer, summed it up perfectly last month stating, “a significant number of homes were added to the market in January, but buyers are eager for more. With prices up, if you’re having any thoughts of selling, now is the time to get the ball rolling by speaking to a realtor”.
For a detailed real estate market report on your neighborhood, or for any other real estate questions, please contact the Alfriend Group at (614) 395-1776.

Community Updates
It’s official! The much-anticipated Village at Coffman Park is opening up in 2016 with 11 new homes right in the heart of Dublin. This community will include luxury, detached condos starting in the $390,000s. Each home includes a 1st floor master suite, 2-car garage, outdoor deck or patio, full basement, and a top-of-the-line kitchen with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. Call today for more information, or attend our grand opening on Thursday, March 3rd from 7-9 PM.

Investment Updates
5 Basic Tips for Investing in Real Estate
If you’re just beginning to invest in real estate, you’ll find that there’s a lot to learn. Real estate investing is more complicated than investing in stocks because of the financial, legal, and extensive due diligence requirements involved. That’s why it’s a good idea to give yourself a solid education before you purchase your first investment property.
However, before you get your advanced degree, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the fundamentals. To that end, here are 5 basic tips for investing in real estate.
1. Location Matters
The old adage that “location matters” is most accurate when it comes to real estate investing. Before you fork over a down payment and put yourself in a significant amount of debt over a property, ensure that it’s in a good location. Look for the worst house on the best street. That’s a principle you’ll come across quite a bit as you delve into further real estate investing advice. You want to invest in the worst house on the best street because it gives you an opportunity to build equity. It’s a property in a great neighborhood (“the best street”) that needs some work (“the worst house”). You can invest some money to fix it up and sell it to someone else who wants a ready-to-move-in house in a fabulous location. Professional real estate investors call this “fixing and flipping.”
2. Look for Wholesale Properties
Investing in real estate is just like investing in the stock market in at least one way: you’re looking for the best deal. If you’re a savvy stock market investor, you probably won’t buy too many stocks at their high if you plan on holding them for a long time. Instead, you’ll follow the Warren Buffet principle of getting greedy when everyone else gets fearful. You’ll buy stocks that are beaten down and make a fortune when they turn around. That’s what you want to do when it comes to real estate investing. Avoid paying “full price” for properties. Instead, look for so-called wholesale properties that are offered at a steep discount. Sure, they’ll probably need some work. Run the numbers and see if the investment in rehab is worth the ultimate selling price.
3. Understand the Tax Benefits
The people who run our government want private investors to provide housing for people. That’s because they know that if private investors don’t provide housing, then the government will be responsible for it. To that end, Uncle Sam offers significant tax benefits to real estate investors. The most significant benefit, arguably, is the depreciation write-off. When you buy an investment property that includes a building, you get to write off the depreciation of that building as a tax deduction. You’ll have to consult your tax advisor for specifics, but basically you can expect to depreciate a residential building over 27 years and a commercial building over 39 and a half years. Keep in mind that the IRS views your real estate investment efforts as a business so you also get to claim the “necessary and ordinary” deductions that business owners take, including mortgage interest, insurance, and maintenance expenses. Again, it’s a good idea to consult your tax advisor about specifics.
4. Check Your Credit Report
You’re more than likely going to need to borrow money to buy real estate. That’s why you should check your credit report before you begin investing. If you have problems on your credit report that are mistakes, get those resolved as quickly as possible. If you have problems that are legitimate, then you’ll need to work to improve your credit. Simply put, banks aren’t going to loan money to you for a property that’s not your primary residence as readily as they’ll loan it to you for your own home. That’s why your credit has to be spectacular.
5. Use the “1% Rule”
If you’re planning on buying a property that you’ll rent out one or more tenants, use the “1% Rule” when you decide whether or not the property is worth the price you’ll pay for it. The 1% Rule simply states that an income producing property must produce 1% of the price you pay for it every month. For example, if you’re looking at buying a property for $150,000, then the monthly rental income should be 150,000 x 1% = $1,500.
Real estate investing offers the potential for fabulous returns. However, people have also bankrupted themselves investing in real estate. Be sure that you know what’s involved before you start. For more information, call us today at (614) 395-1776.

About The Alfriend Group

Kyle Alfriend has been selling and marketing homes for over 20 years, successfully selling and buying homes in a variety of market conditions. He has sold over 1,200 homes, totaling over $250 million in homes sales. In Dublin, he has sold more homes that anyone ever. He has represented the areas largest builders, built his own homes, and owns and manages several investment properties. He has been awarded the "Top 10 M.A.M.E. Award (Major Achievements in Marketing Excellence) by the building and Realtor associations every year since 1993. He believes that everyone deserves the very best in knowledge, experience, and integrity when buying or selling their home. The Alfriend Group was started 5 years ago as a real estate team of professionals, specializing in buying/selling homes, property management, and real estate investments. For more information, call us today at (614) 395-1776.

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125 thoughts on “Real Estate Update: February 2016

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